We often associate toxins with dangerous chemicals, hazardous materials, and polluted environments. I want to show you some very surprising sources of hidden toxins that are lurking in your everyday life. I’ve talked about various sources of toxins, including cellular waste, medications, environmental pollutants, and bacterial endotoxins in other blog posts but today, let me…
Read MoreDetoxification, or detox, has become a trendy topic in health and wellness circles. There are techniques from the ridiculous to the dangerous that claim to help clean your body of toxins and improve your health, but what really works? Let’s talk about what detoxification really is and clear up a lot of the confusion and…
Read MoreThe month of January is filled with new decisions and choices. Many people decide to start their New Year with a cleanse. But what many people don’t realize is that technically we are doing a detox cleanse every day! This is part of our body’s natural daily operations. Here’s how it works and how to…
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